Friday, February 3, 2012

Here's a film that displays what I think are excellent examples of permaculture; specifically no-til methods using wood-chips.
After years of back-breaking toil in ground ravaged by the effects of man-made growing systems, Paul Gautschi has discovered a taste of what God intended for mankind in the garden of Eden. Some of the vital issues facing agriculture today include soil preparation, fertilization, irrigation, weed control, pest control, crop rotation, and PH issues. None of these issues exist in the unaltered state of nature or in Paul's gardens and orchards.

"Back to Eden" invites you to take a walk with Paul as he teaches you sustainable organic growing methods that are capable of being implemented in diverse climates around the world.
Stream the whole film here:

Wednesday, January 4, 2012

This is the audio recording that made it "click" for me:

After it "clicks" you might want to listen to the latest "batcalls":
This blog will attempt to list all the various solutions I've discovered to the complicated problems the world is facing.  I've already been doing something similar on youtube, but a blog is probably the better format.  Here are some of the topics I'll be posting about: peaceful inhabitants, paleo diet, exercise, intermittent fasting, cannabis, permaculture, rocket mass heaters, "earthships", personal accountability, positive psychology, Socratic questioning, divergent thinking, compassionate communication, oss